Your Spiritual DJ: Fall in love with life, through weekly bursts of ancient Jewish inspiration and the infinite light of Kabbalah!

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5TH FESTIVAL will be on May 2nd

The 9Th Festival Live Stream was on May 6th, 2024
The Secret of the Sefirah


Yom Tov Glaser, Devorah Sisso, Rav Dror, Accidental Talmudist, Erez Safar, Jackie Hyman, Maimon, Rav Eliyahu Atiya, R’ Shmuel Reichman, Yehezkel Abulafia, Alexa Eden, Shalom Lebowitz (shefa), Moshe Fhima, Zevi Slavin (seekers of unity), Eliyahu Beda, Rabbi Harry Rozenberg, Daniel Silvertein, Pashut Herenstein, Charles Golberg, Ari Dubrowski & more!

5TH FESTIVAL will be on May 2nd

THE 9TH FESTIVAL was on May 6th, 2024
The Secret of the Sefirah

The Light of Infinite Festival is a first-of-its-kind live-stream festival featuring authors, speakers, healers and some of the most innovative minds in spiritual self-growth and healing. The Festival boasts two interactive rooms on an exclusive virtual platform allowing festival goers to jump from room to room attending live talks, sessions, and musical performances.

The counting of Sefirat HaOmer is meant to prepare us to receive the living Torah anew every Shavuot, and it is our preparation for the 50th Gate, the gate of Wisdom. The only path to the upper levels of holiness is through speech, through Tefillah (prayer), the true speech of calling out to God. It’s a time when we count and realize that each day is a new beginning, a new opportunity for change, for return, for Oneness, and that each day does indeed count. The blessings you receive correlate to the words that you speak– this is the power of the Omer, of counting out loud with the blessings of Sefirat HaOmer.

Check out this dream line-up -> Yom Tov Glaser • Devorah Sisso • Rav Dror • Accidental Talmudist • Erez Safar • Jackie Hyman • Maimon • Rav Eliyahu Atiya • R’ Shmuel Reichman • Yehezkel Abulafia • Alexa Eden • Shalom Lebowitz (shefa) • Moshe Fhima • Zevi Slavin (seekers of unity) • Eliyahu Beda • Rabbi Harry Rozenberg • Daniel Silvertein • Pashut Herenstein • Charles Golberg • Ari Dubrowski & more!

The last six festivals took place in and were a huge success, with over 50,000 spiritual and self-growth seekers tuning in to the variety of sessions. Produced by Erez Safar, who acts as Your Spiritual DJ, and whose first live-stream festival, Lo-Freq Fest, was featured in Billboard, and whose Don’t Block Your Blessings festivals featured over 100+ world-wide presenters with 45,000+ attendees/ viewers.

The goal of the Light of Infinite Festival is to foster creative and collaborative bridge-building while presenting thought leaders through light and love to a world in need of healing.

In Tehillim, King David writes, “For You [God] do not desire sacrifices; else I would give it: You do not delight in burnt offering. The sacrifice of God is a broken spirit. A broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise.”

Likewise in the Talmud it says, “Words that emanate from the heart – enter the heart.”  These verses are inviting us to remember that what breaks, breaks open. 

King David used a harp to compose the Tehillim. The Talmud teaches that  a harp hung above his bed, and at midnight a northern wind would blow on the five strings, waking him from his sleep to study Torah until dawn. In the Zohar, the five strings parallel the five books of Torah and it was on these strings that David composed much of Tehillim. Since song is at the center of all our rituals, and singing is the unifying element of communal prayer, there is something vital in these verses of Tehilim, waiting to be rediscovered. What’s at the center is the most holy, just like the holy of holies, which was placed at the center of the Temples in Jerusalem. What if we placed Tikkun Haklali at the center of our prayers and of our lives?

These 10 verses of Tehillim, and the meaning behind them, have the power to mend the brokenness within and enable a true light of shelaymut (wholeness) to shine out from deep within your soul.

Tikkun Haklali holds within it incredibly deep and potent healing that is needed in the world today. It’s time to revitalize it.

We will be commissioning 10 artists to create 10 pieces for this Tikkun HaKlali collector series.

As physical creatures, we can’t fully defeat the forces of fate; we’re constricted by time and space. But our souls-- the parts of us that are infinite-- can reach beyond these constrictions. It’s only when we choose with our souls to surpass our limitations that we can connect to the true, everlasting, joyful freedom that can only be found in the Light of the Infinite


5TH FESTIVAL will be on May 2nd

The Secret To Never Falling

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ The truth is we all will fall time and again. The secret is to not view it negatively. Because life is only truly negative if we don’t use our fall toward elevation. If falling back pushes us forward, it’s a powerful tool towards transcendence. Just living, in and of itself, presents challenges, and each challenge is an opportunity to get it right the next time. If we can greet hate with love, our life can change; if we don’t, we tend to stay stuck in a cycle that doesn’t feel aligned. As Mac Miller so eloquently sang on ‘Hurt Feelings’, “You been going through it, I just go around it.” This touches on the concept of the Rebbe Maharash’s: …

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Light of Infinite is a book series, a podcast, and a weekly Dvar (digital + pamphlets distributed to shull’s in LA). Erez Safar acts as Your Spiritual DJ, curating insights into the weekly Torah portion and the infinite light of Kabbalah.

The Secret To Blessing

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ At my weekly fire on the beach earlier tonight, some friends asked me to set an intention and give a blessing. I said, ‘May we hold onto the fear and ego that protects us and let go of the fear and ego that could destroy us, instead turning the negativity to positivity. ’ That captures the spirit of this dvar in a nutshell.  King Solomon writes in Mishlei that whatever a person pictures in their mind has the power to happen. Our power to draw down blessings is tied into the faith that colors our beings as vessels to receive. The law of attraction is simple yet profound— positive thoughts bring positivity into a person’s life. And since the …

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The Colour of Humility

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ The part of poetry that I love the most, beyond spinning words and thoughts into what sounds like spaces I would want to travel, is that much like visual art, the reader interprets in the way they want or may need to in the moment and takes away what they may. This week’s poem goes something like this: amazing how a day dreams from night through might  light brings darkness dependent on its contrast  first love last to last but closer to you  being the only answer to a question you’ve only been guessing  inward lies the truth This week, we near the end of Sefirat HaOmer, the counting of the days between Pesach and Shavuot. This counting …

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Faith Fuels The Future, Fear Stirs The Past

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ When Jon Batiste won the well deserved Grammy for Best Album, his speech was beautiful. He got up there, and in such an aidel way, and shared: “Wow. Wow. Thank you. You know I really, I believe this to my core: there is no best musician, best artist, best dancer, best actor. The creative arts are subjective and they reach people at a point in their lives when they need it most. It’s like a song or an album is made, and it almost has a radar to find the person when they need it the most. I mean, man. I like to thank God. I just put my head down and I work on the craft every …

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All Reap, No Sow

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ Let Go, Let God All of life is about the beautiful balance of releasing control and connecting. Because we are tasked to toil for our bread, we find ourselves stuck in a mindset of thinking that we are in control of our lives, that the more that we dominate our circumstances, the more in control we are. What we find in the lessons of Shemittah (the year of release) is that the rewards come from the release. Yes, we must work the field, so to speak, but without pause, there is no ultimate pleasure. To demonstrate faith to ourselves and our Creator, we have to pause our compulsion to constantly control. What we see most immediately with Shabbat, …

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Finding Grace in Time

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ Going through a break up can be one of the most difficult things to endure. A break or a separation in what felt like a divine union. What feels like a heart shattered into a million pieces. But we have to find a way to trust that it is for our own good and what’s truly aligned will arise at the right time. We have to shift our focus from what’s lost and lean into faith that whatever is meant to be will be. We never know what our Creator has in store for us. All of life in various ways, even if we don’t fully feel it, is an element of heartbreak, since at all times we …

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Cheat Codes to Holiness

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ “My kedushah (holiness) is greater than yours.” – The Maggid of Mezrich People always tell me it’s “so LA” to talk about energy and vibes, but I think perhaps it’s just more openly discussed here. In truth, we all feel and are affected by both. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of the company we keep. I often place myself in what I call sacred spaces or spiritual environments, because when people are there to reach higher levels of being, it means the base level of what’s expected is generally pretty elevated. I often go to spaces that one Rabbi in particular will be at, and people ask if I am a chassid of this Rebbe, …

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The Transformative Power of Pesach and Sefirat Ha’Omer

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ Radiant is the world soul, Full of splendor and beauty, Full of life, Of souls hidden, Of treasures of the holy spirit, Of fountains of strength, Of greatness and beauty. Proudly I ascend Toward the heights of the world soul That gives life to the universe. How majestic the vision – Come, enjoy, Come, find peace, Embrace delight, Taste and see that God is good. Why spend your substance on what does not nourish And your labor on what cannot satisfy? Listen to me, and you will enjoy what is good, And find delight in what is truly precious. These poetic words are from the notebook of Rav Kook. In these last parshiot (prior to Pesach), we continue …

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G.O.A.T. amongst goats

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ “I visualize what it is, not what is isn’t” – Nas The first pasuk (verse) of this week’s parashah, Acharei Mot, reads:  וַיְדַבֵּ֤ר הֹ’ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה אַחֲרֵ֣י מ֔וֹת שְׁנֵ֖י בְּנֵ֣י אַהֲרֹ֑ן בְּקרְבָתָ֥ם לִפְנֵי־ה’ וַיָּמֻֽתוּ Hashem spoke to Moshe after the death of Aharon’s two sons [Nadav and Avihu], who drew close to Hashem and died.  Or HaChayim explains that the sins of Nadav and Avihu were very different than sins as we generally understand them. He explains that their sin involved allowing themselves to cling to Hashem so totally that their souls simply left their bodies. It’s written “who drew close to Hashem and died” because it was the drawing close in the way they had that caused their …

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Birds in a Trap

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ Introduction: Winks from Above As is customary, in the first 30 days after my mom passed away, my family, friends and I split the responsibility for saying the full Mishnayiot, for the purpose of my mom’s aliyat neshama (soul elevation). When I read mine, I noticed right away that my mom’s Hebrew first name was right on top of her Hebrew last name in Hebrew— פרידה צפור — right there in the Mishnah. It was a moment when I felt that she was winking at me, and Hashem was letting me know, It’s ok, your Ema is with you for the rest of your life, as light in infinite recursions. I was reminded of this as I sat …

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