Pashut Herenstein

Pashut Herenstein

Session TitlePardes and Mental Health
Shmuel Zacharias Menachem Mendel Maxx “Pashut Jabotinsky” HaCohen Herenstein is a New York born Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Geulas Shaul, rapper and an artist currently dwelling in the holy city of Jerusalem. Baka/ Geulim, specifically.
Pashut authored his first book, “Jeudaemonia: a theological rampage” when it got him kicked out of college.
His first album, Belief, was produced between learning in the top shiur in the Mir Yeshiva and fighting in the IDF tank force, two important influences in Pashut’s Torah; Psychospiritual; and political development.
Second album, Hash Eminem, after getting tossed from college cuza the book, partially written during, and produced after, the whole loony binz.
Album 3, CorOnoPPER2nitEP, was written and produced during the early days of the plandemic, which closed down all the yeshivas prompting @pashut26 to paskin a “makom she’ain ish”, and open @yeshivasgeulasshaul.
Pashut will be dissecting an array of Talmudic sources discussing the Messianic Era and it’s permutation in the worlds of Mental Health; Torah and The World. Just like in his hiphop, Pashut pulls no punches in his analysis
Pashut Herenstein YouTube:
Insta: @pashut26


Session title: Pardes and Mental Health

Description: Come join @pashut26 on a zestful lark through the Holy Torah, trekking thru some tittalating talmudic tractates tellin tales of mental heath. #superchillistheresistance
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