Daniel Silverstein

Daniel Silverstein

Session TitleChanging Curses to Blessings with Awareness

Founder and Director, Applied Jewish Spirituality Daniel is a rabbi, educator, meditation teacher and MC/poet. He lives in Israel with his family, where he directs Applied Jewish Spirituality, an online portal which makes the transformative spiritual wisdom of our tradition accessible to all who seek it (https://www.appliedjewishspirituality.org/). He is also a faculty member at the Conservative Yeshiva and teaches regularly for the Institute of Jewish Spirituality and RitualWell. Daniel received semikha from YCT and spent three years in Israel, studying at Yeshivot Ein Tzurim, Shvilei HaTorah, and Maale Gilboa. He was born and raised in London, and he received a BA from the University of Cambridge and an MA from Warwick University. Daniel has performed and facilitated all over the world as a spoken word artist, MC, and creative educator, and the Jewish Week selected him as one of their “36 Under 36” young innovators reshaping the Jewish community. He is a cofounder of Lines of Faith, a Muslim-Jewish hip hop and poetry collective that uses performances and workshops to challenge prejudice, and build meaningful bonds between communities. Daniel is an accredited teacher of Jewish Mindfulness Meditation and regularly teaches classes and retreats. He has served as Director of the Hillel Culanu Center for Jewish Life in Cambridge (UK), Director of Jewish Life and Learning for Hillel of Stanford University, and as a faculty member of the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies and the Romemu Yeshiva.

Session Title: Changing Curses to Blessings with Awareness

Session Description: “Hashem looked into the Torah and created the world.” Our mystics understand from this ancient teaching that the content of the Torah reflects our unfolding reality. Fascinatingly, they also teach that if we cultivate Da’at (Awareness), we can ourselves help to transform Din (Severity) into Rachamim (Compassion), both in the Torah as we relate to it, and hence our lived reality.

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