Eliyahu Beda

Eliyahu Beda

Session TitlePreparing for the future while being present in the now
“From dancing salsa in South Beach to meditating at raves in Teotihuacan, to Rabbinical School in Jerusalem, to marriage and 5 kids, to traveling the world educating and promoting medical cannabis, I have found that when you let go, life takes us beyond where we could possibly imagine.  The COVID pandemic spurred profound change in my life and I have spent the last 2.5 years deeply exploring the depths and power of persona growth and deep connection to Hashem. Utilizing my rabbinical skills of listening and being present with Hashem (The Name) I have been guiding, coaching, and helping others integrate life’s journeys in every aspect of day to day life. As a Kohen (a Priest with direct lineage to Aaron the Priest) I have tapped into the ancient power of ritual and ceremony in order to create a set and setting apropo to deep spiritual work. My purpose and mission is to help bring light to any darkness we find on our paths.”
Session Title: Free Will: Here and Now
Session Description: Defining free will in a practical and accessible way using sources from the Torah and Chazal as well as personal experiences and understanding. Through the class I will try to show how we can access our true free will in order to live free and empowered lives with a direct connection to Hashem. 
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