Tzav, this parashah between Purim and Pesach continues discussing the intricacies of the Temple sacrifices and touches on chametz (leavened bread). Learning it we can draw connections between the weekly portion and the larger Jewish story of moving from spiritual constriction into spiritual freedom. Realizing that the Seder is not just a historical retelling of the Jews’ exodus from Egypt, but an actual manifestation, an opportunity for each of us to leave our own Egypts. Through this ritual, we’re meant to free ourselves, to ‘burn’ the chametz that holds us back from seeing and living in full truth, from being fully connected to the Infinite Light. “G-d does not dwell in… a fragmented place” – The Zohar.

We must remember through the story of our enslavement that we too were once slaves, as Dr. King reminds us no one is free until we are all free. Redemption is when the light of universality shines. It’s our task to usher in that revelation. This starts within our own sanctuaries and shines out from there. Nullifying the ego so the screens of separation between us all begin to fall. The Alter Rebbe teaches that the basis and root purpose of the entire Torah is to elevate and exalt the soul high above the body to [G-d], the source and root of all worlds, and to draw down the Infinite Light. And only when we place primary importance of our soul over our bodies can the walls that separate us come down and be replaced with love and unification. Since it’s our bodies that separate us from each other, while the soul binds us. When one focuses on the body, the separation between us becomes apparent, and only the love we create can bind us, but a created love can never equal a natural and innate love. So, love between people whose primary importance is focused on the physical, on the body over the soul, is based on external factors and endures only as long as those factors remain in play. Only when we shift our focus towards the soul over the body, of oneness over self, of the unifying and Infinite Light of the Creator of all creation, over the differences of the elements of creation, can Infinite Love exist in its purest state.


Thanks for listening/reading.
Much love, Erez // @ErezSafar

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**** The next Light of Infinite live-stream Festival, featuring some of your favorite teachers and healers, will take place on May 2nd and is Free with RSVP @


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