When I can’t sleep, I often free-verse about whatever’s on my mind. It’s always interesting reading it the next morning. From the other night:

The world
is full
of enough


sift the good notes
from the bad
the serene
from the siren song

step in rhythm
grow in concert

we are all notes
in this
of existence

It seems we all want to be one with our natural state — content, fulfilled, thriving, but the truth is we want more than that— we want to transcend this natural state, to not be bound by the constrictions of this world, where the good is always intertwined with a bit of “bad”. Only in the next world is good 100% and bad is not even a concept. As a kid, and even today, when I walk out of the theater after a superhero movie, I feel like I have those powers, if only for a little bit. The allure of these comic books turned movies is the thought of breaking free of one’s limitations, of ridding oneself of reality, of turning what is natural into supernatural.

We’ve been reading about the Mishkan and how Hashem commanded Aharon and his sons to bring special sacrifices for 7 days to prepare themselves for their service in the Mishkan. Every 7 days, Moshe would take the Mishkan apart and put it back together, as the Jews wandered through the desert on their way to the Promised Land. This week in Shemini (eight), we learn that the service of the Mishkan actually begins on the “eighth” day. As we read, “And it was on the eighth day . . . and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people . . . “The Kli Yakar asks why it’s called the “eighth day.” The week and consecration of the Mishkan is 7 days.. he answers his own question, that related to the eighth day it’s written, “Today the Lord appears to you.” Hashem appears on and because of the eighth day, a day beyond the natural order of things. I can’t put all that I wrote in this little taste of the Dvar, but the biggest takeaway for me is that when we elevate our soul above our body, aligning our physical selves to our spiritual selves we can transform our natural space into a supernatural setting.

Thanks for listening/reading!
Much love & Shabbat Shalom!🤍🕊
– Erez // @erezsafar

* 🔊 Listen: Audio/Podcast version – https://lightofinfinite.com/podcast

** 📚 Get your copy of my latest book, ‘LIGHT OF THE INFINITE: THE SOUND OF ILLUMINATION’. The book parallels the parshiot (weekly Torah reading) of Vayikra/Leviticus, which we are reading now!! The book is mindfulness, Kabbalah and Chassidut brought down in a way that speaks to our generation and is now available as Prime on Amazon! – – https://amzn.to/3uvdfxw

**** The next Light of Infinite live-stream Festival, featuring some of your favorite teachers and healers, will take place on May 2nd and is Free with RSVP @ www.lightofinite.com

**** 🪬 YOU CAN DO A DEEP DIVE INTO THIS WEEK’S DVAR TORAH BY READING IT IN FULL @ https://lightofinfinite.com/step-in-rhythm-grow-in-concert/ 📝⚡️

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