When to Abstain from Creating and Meditate on Being Created

The Dvar/article below is also available as a Podcast, simply click any of the following options: Apple, Spotify, Bandcamp, Soundcloud,  &/or Youtube. ________________________________________________________ It’s wild to me to think how some folks don’t know the true weekly epicness that is Shabbat. But like much in life, so much of its preciousness remains concealed until each person pushes through their own perceptions to reveal the truth that awaits. Cultivating a community that we feel is ours is key in feeling one with sacred spaces. Doing so often requires stepping out of one’s comfort zone and either inviting people to create the space, or inviting oneself into others’ spaces so that they become our own.  When we haven’t done that yet, or don’t feel motivated enough to do so, we inevitably feel disconnected from the commandments as a celebration and feel them more …

When to Abstain from Creating and Meditate on Being Created Continue Reading

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