Chana Vered

Chana Vered

Session TitleActivating the Lights of Kislev

chana vered is a passionate Torah educator, spiritual mentor and inspirational speaker. Weaving her love for ancient Jewish wisdom with meditation, mental health and energy healing; she provides practical tools for healing, growth and transformation as we strive to thrive in today’s rapidly changing reality.

Chana vered is the co-creator of – a free online dating platform for Jewish singles
& – An online directory of awesome Torah classes for today’s spiritually seeking souls

Session Title: Activating the Lights of Kislev

Join me as we unlock the hidden keys to Kislev. Together we will explore the Kabbalistic dimensions of this miraculous time, and open to her unique wisdom for healing, growth and transformation. In Kislev we rebuild trust and rekindle dreams. Through learning and a guided meditation, we will, beH, connect with and draw down the powerful consciousness of Kislev, preparing our vessels to receive the transformational light of Chanukah. We will end with practical tools to amplify the power of this inspiring Kislev moon.


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