It is only by finding one’s purpose and living in alignment that we find our true happiness. For this week, I dove into my middle name which is the same as the mountain Moshe ascended and I touched on some of the secrets of creation, and a bit about what I learned the other week at a Brittany Howard concert!

Creation involves concealment. The word olam, universe, is semantically linked to the word neelam, “hidden”. To give mankind some of His own creative powers – the use of language to think, communicate, understand, imagine alternative futures and choose between them – God must do more than create homo sapiens. He must efface Himself (what the kabbalists called tzimtzum) to create space for human action. No single act more profoundly indicates the love and generosity implicit in creation. God as we encounter Him in the Torah is like a parent who knows He must hold back, let go, refrain from intervening, if his children are to become responsible and mature.

I went to the Hollywood Bowl one weekend to see one of my fav artists, the brilliant Brittany Howard. As she started to close her set, the band started playing in a free jazz style and she  commanded her voice in a speaking orator style, sounding almost like Rev Martin Luther King jr. as she proclaimed:

“I promise to think before I speak
To be wary of who I give my energy to
Because it is needed for a greater cause
Greater than my own pride
And that cause is to spread the enlightenment”

And that is what it is all about – the lesson is to spiritualize reality and never become that which is not God. Because it and we are needed for a greater cause, greater than our own pride and physicality, and that cause is to spread enlightenment, to those who are not touched by its light. We need to realize we are all made in the image of God and all have a piece of his infinite light in us. We are all brothers and sisters.

We need to tap into the energy and the mission of Moshe, which was advocating for us at any cost and spreading the Light of the Infinite – revealing the concealed truth in a hidden world, in order to bring the full redemption where all is truth, all is revealed good and peace, and blessings are fully realized.
As we say at the end of reading this book of Devarim and indeed the final chapter in the the five books of the Torah, Chazak Chazak V’nitzchazek– Be Strong, Be Strong, Let Us Be Strengthened.
Much love, Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!
– Erez

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Much love, Erez Safar

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