Yehudis Golshevsky

Yehudis Golshevsky

Session Title* special video for the Tikkun

Rebbetzin Golshevsky is the director of SHIVITI. She holds primary and secondary teaching certification from Yavne Teacher’s College in Cleveland, as well as a BA from SUNY Buffalo in Classics-Judaic Studies. Rebbetzin Golshevsky has been a well-known Torah educator in Jerusalem and abroad for twenty-five years, with students all over the world. She is a published author, editor, and translator… but teaching Torah is her first love.

“Yehudis in her own words: When I first began learning Rebbe Nachman’s teachings with my husband and other teachers, I felt as though I had come home to the personal and vital relationship with G-d that I’d always sought. Today, a large part of my inspiration comes from helping other Jewish women discover their own spiritual potential through the meaningful teachings of Breslov Chassidut.”

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