Rina Perkel

Rina Perkel

Session TitleWomen and Geulah: The Feminine Rising in the time of Mashiach

Rina Perkel is a Jewish educator and speaker who focuses on the mystical teachings of Judaism and how they can be relevant and applied to living your best life in the modern world. Over the last 20 years, she has learned and taught Kabbalah and Chassidut around the world and has produced a documentary called Kabbalah Me. Previous to that she worked as a producer at MTV and NBC. She is currently developing an app for Jewish meditation, bzH. She is originally from Israel and lives with her family in Florida.

Session Info: Women and Geulah: The Feminine Rising in the time of Mashiach

Kabbalah teaches that women have a unique role to play as we approach the times of Mashiach. Just like in the merit of Jewish women we were redeemed in Egypt, in the future redemption, it will also be in the merit of the Jewish women. Join our discussion to learn more about what we can expect during the times of Mashiach and what it means for how we live our lives today. 


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