Tracy Pauwen

Tracy Pauwen

Session TitleBridging our Biology: The Exodus and Organic Intelligence™

Tracy was born in South Africa and has been living in Jerusalem for the last 8 years. Alongside her 10 years experience as a physical therapist; her own spiritual/personal development journey has been evolving. she has immersed herself in numerous courses, transformational spaces, trainings and workshops for meditation and alternative therapies. Now a Certified Coach in Organic Intelligence™ (OI™) she accompanies people in their post trauma growth trajectory.

Session Title: Bridging our Biology: The Exodus and Organic Intelligence™
Organic Intelligence™ is a weaving of neurophysiology, biology, complexity science and mysticism. Often, “what’s wrong with (the spiritual/personal development and) therapy is the focus on what’s wrong”. OI™ is on the leading edge of post-trauma growth. In my experience, it’s a neuro-biological paradigm of the ancient story we have been telling – the Exodus. It provides the map of movement out of suffering into freedom, not through domination of our thoughts and not through psychological process. In the desert, we see that even after all the miracles in Egypt and mass revelation of consciousness at Har Sinai, it still wasn’t enough to bridge the Israelites into the inherent basic felt-sense of Trust. When our system has been steeped in societal top-down authoritative oppression and control, how can we expect them to know something other than mis-trusting and punitive in their relationship to an all-powerful God. Even after revelation, even after policy change, even with promises of being led to the land of milk and honey – our biology has some catching up to do. Our suffering, feeling stuck, overwhelmed or dissatisfied with life, and not expanding into the fullness of who we are, is not only because of all the trauma/stuff that’s happened to us, rather, its our capacity to hold and experience pleasure- that’s where our work lies. I believe that through the OI™ trajectory, we can slowly unravel the biological conditioning laid upon us and increase our nervous systems capacity to knowing and experiencing our own direct relationship with God. The good news is that this process can be fun. Our mantra in OI™ is “the job is enjoyment”. That can be hard sometimes and just like any job: somebody’s got to do it.

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