Jackie Glaser

Jackie Glaser

Session TitleThere's Nothing Wrong With You! A fresh perspective on dating.

Jackie had a private practice in Sydney Australia and worked as the resident “Psychologist” on a national current affairs show. She went to Israel, fell in love with Judaism and became observant. Jackie then taught at Neve Yerushalayim and worked in outreach with Olami for 12 years. She had various roles as program director, educator, and director of leadership development Jackie is currently a coach to their Rebtzn’s . After being single for many years, Jackie got married to her soulmate and decided to give back by helping other single women shift their fears, blocks and be truly open to receiving an amazing spouse. She works full time as a dating coach currently .

Session Title: There’s Nothing Wrong With You! A fresh perspective on dating.
Join Jackie as she teaches you how to truly be open to receiving your soulmate, what effort is crucial to do and how to surrender and trust in the process (Includes a meditation)

facebook.com/jackie.engel.9 // @jackieglaserofficial

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