Gabriella Bodner

Gabriella Bodner

Session TitleBlinded by the Light?

A lover of sunrises and sunsets, a seeker of light, a friend of my own shadow. I deal with bipolarity and  finding balance on a daily basis.

I grew up in Israel, and currently live on Kibbutz Harduf, in the Galilee. My childhood hobbies have evolved into my professions: music and swimming.

I teach music in a therapeutic boarding school, and am an accompanist for dance and theater performances. I also perform (keyboard and percussion) in various ensembles, festivals and open mics.

In addition, I am a hydro-therapist and teach swimming on the kibbutz. Lately, I’ve become more involved in community mental-health initiatives.

Since I was a teenager, I’ve been channeling my passion for creative writing. Recently I curated my writings into an anthology and self-published my first book of poetry (in Hebrew). I’ve also published works in English and Spanish.

Session Title:

Blinded by the Light?

Session Description:

Is there such a thing as too much light?

Join me, on a journey of both mind and soul,

Wandering the paths of joy and difficulty,

Wondering if my nightlight has been shining too bright…

Feel free to contact Gabriella @ [email protected]


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